Benny, Larry, Emma & Lilac
When Ricky’s companion, Charlotte, died, we went in search of a new friend to keep him company and in doing so found out about a horrible backyard breeding cruelty case. We ended up adopting four older quail that day, liberating them from their stressful and neglected life inside a wire bottom raised outdoor hutch. They were all missing most of their feathers and Lilac suffered from a partially paralyzed leg and could barely walk. She spent most of the time inside our house and only lived about a month beyond the day we adopted her. At least she was able to feel the soft dirt beneath her toes and take dust baths and chase bugs until her last day.
The others turned out to be two more boys and a girl, which is not really the best ratio, but fortunately they all get along famously. They spend their days hanging out together running in and out of the junipers, hollowed out logs and driftwood. Ricky loves his new friends and snuggles right next to them at night inside one of their heated cabanas.
Click here to read more about sensitive button quail and why they should not be subjected to thoughtless hatching projects.

The horrible environment they were rescued from. Sadly, this is how many people care for buttons.

Lilac on her first day. She was nearly bald and had a partially paralyzed leg.

Larry on his rescue day. All of them were missing most of their head and back feathers from overcrowding and being mounted by other males.

Ricky meeting his new friend, Emma.

Larry, Ricky, Benny, and Lilac on the far right.

Larry and Ricky in one of their heated cabanas.

Just a cute pic of Michael, one of our original button rescues from years prior.

Lilac and Benny on one of their first days in the aviary. You can see how overgrown Benny's beak was back then. He was very protective of Lilac.

Sweet Lilac taking a dust bath.