Forrest was born on a warm summer day into a life of freedom and respect, something dairy industry bull calves are normally denied. Fortunately, he never experienced the stress, neglect and isolation of being separated from his mother as a newborn so that the couple of gallons of milk produced for him every day could be sold for profit. Jeanette has been a protective and loving mother and was at peace raising the first of her five calves naturally, without having to worry about him being taken away like the others. The dairy industry exploits and slaughters male and female cows of all ages, so Forrest, Jeanette and Jolene hope all their fans give plant-based milk alternatives a try.

Welcome to the world, Forrest!

Forrest's first steps!

Hard to believe he was ever this small (101 lbs!)

A reminder that a cow's milk is meant for calves.

Mavis introductions took place after he was tall enough to defend himself. : )

Almost as tall as Jolene.

Happy family first Fall together.

Becoming a little more independent every day.

Our handsome boy at one year old.


First time eating some delicious organic hay.

"Finally I can see out this window!"