The farmer was charged with animal cruelty and spent only one night in jail. Laws protecting animals, especially farm animals, are horribly inadequate. Please stand up for farm animals as much as you do for your companion animals. All animals deserve our protection and respect. Fortunately, all one hundred animals were placed, but it was quite an effort involving multiple sanctuaries and rescuers. We adopted our cow Hazel from the same case.
After months of medical treatment, Rudy’s leg stumps finally healed. Every few days, his stumps were wrapped in sporty cushioned booties to help him get around the coop and outside in their predator-proof garden. Eventually, we extended the bootie change interval to weekly, so the total over his lifetime was over 700 bootie changes! We designed his coop and sunroom specifically to accommodate his challenges, so instead of perches, we used straw bales stacked in steps so he had a safe spot to sleep that satisfied his natural need to find a higher location. The sunroom ramp made it easy for him to travel back and forth between the two spaces.
Sadly, Rudy succumbed to cancer in the summer of 2021. All his life, he was so patient and such a gentleman with his ladies. Regardless of how many blueberries we hand fed him, he always gave them all away (perfect and uncrushed) to his hen friends. He pampered over fifty hens during his twelve years here. They always jockeyed for the spot next to him for snuggling at night. Rudy was an incredibly gentle soul who taught us all something about perseverance and gratitude. Rudy touched the lives of everyone who met or adored him from afar. Our special boy will remain in our hearts forever.
If you’d like to purchase a beautiful Rudy pin, click here for more information.